24 Sep Top 10 OSHA Citations – What Are They and How Do I Avoid Them?
Date: Thursday October 8, 2020
Time: 2 PM (EST) 11 AM (PST)
With thousands of OSHA Standards, many employers find the rules are too numerous to memorize, not to mention they are often difficult to decipher and implement. Each year, OSHA publishes a list of “Top Ten Most Frequently Cited Standards” in an effort to alert employers about standards the agency has issued the most citations for. The hope is employers will learn from these results and take steps to find and abate the hazards addressed in this list of standards, before an issue occurs and OSHA shows up.
OSHA officials and safety professionals alike believe that most injuries and illnesses that occur in the workplace are preventable, if compliance is met. In this presentation we will address OSHA’s “Top Ten Most Frequently Cited Standards” and discuss simple methods employers can take to create and maintain a safe and compliant workplace.
Paul A. Andersen is a Senior Safety Advisor at OSHA Compliance Services, LLC. He has 24 years as a Safety Professional, holds several professional certifications, and is a Registered Environmental Assessor (REA). Paul formerly worked for Cal/OSHA as a Safety Engineer and is a subject matter expert with Cal/OSHA Title 8 Standards, CFR 1910, CFR 1926 and is an authorize OSHA Outreach Instructor.
Possessing a strong technical background and pragmatic business acumen, Paul has a proven history of success working with federal and state regulatory agencies to assist his clients with safety and compliance issues. During this presentation, he will share his experience and knowledge gained while working as an Associate Safety Engineer for Cal/OSHA Enforcement Division, High Hazard Unit.
A Q&A session will be held during the last 15 minutes of the Webinar.
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