
The employee can carry this letter with them to provide to law enforcement if asked about violating the County Public Health Order. The letter states that the company is an essential business, and that the employee performs essential activities for the company. For this reason, the employee may travel and work in the county during the emergency order. Download letter ...

FMCSA Hours of Service Waiver Extended to Fertilizer and Animal Feed On Friday, March 13, President Trump declared a nationwide state of emergency on the Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic.  Following the President’s declaration, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) issued a nationwide Emergency Declaration. The emergency declaration suspends hours of service (HOS) regulations in all 50 states and Washington D.C. for drivers who are directly transporting supplies (including food) which are “incident to the immediate restoration of essential services” related to the COVID-19 emergency. In order to fall under the waiver, the commercial motor vehicle must be providing “direct assistance...

FMCSA has issued a waiver in response to COVID-19 outbreaks as several states are experiencing employee absences or have closed offices.  As a result, many drivers are unable to renew their CDLs or are unable to provide medical certificates.  In addition, many medical providers nationwide have canceled appointments to dedicate resources to the COVID-19 response.  As a result, drivers are unable to obtain physicals to comply with the regulations.  Among the provisions, this waiver extends the expiration of CDLs due for renewal on or after March 1, 2020 until June 30, 2020.  It also waives the requirement that...

Beginning Friday, March 20, 2020, at least 14 Kansas counties have issued emergency “stay at home” orders in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Each of these local orders defines, and exempts, “essential businesses.” Earlier this week, Governor Laura Kelly issued Executive Order #20-15. This Executive Order establishes a “Kansas Essential Functions Framework (KEFF)” to identify a state-wide list of “essential businesses.” The KEFF is based on national critical function guidelines established for pandemic and other disaster response efforts. The Governor’s Order identifies agribusiness, grain storage, and biofuel production as essential functions...

Governor’s Executive Order Does Apply to Agriculture Products. However, be ready to answer some questions about your load. Governor Laura Kelly's Executive Order 20-09 (view by clicking the button below or HERE) allows a 10% weight waiver for motor carriers of essential services and food supplies. For our members’ clarification of the Executive Order, we requested clarification from the Kansas Highway Patrol if the waiver applies to the following: transport of agricultural crop inputs (seed/pesticide/fertilizer/diesel) from import/manufacturer to the end user/farmertransport of grain from farm to elevatortransport of grain from commercial elevator to end user (i.e., feed yards, feed mills, biofuel...

Kansas Grain and Feed Association has partnered with Kansas Agribusiness Retailers Association and the Kansas Cooperative Council to work on behalf of the agribusiness and shared cooperative industries during this uncertain time. As a follow-up to the communication KGFA provided earlier today regarding essential business definitions, please see below. Background and the Law: Kansas law grants each county health officer the authority to declare a pandemic emergency within its own county and to issue a “quarantine/stay at home” Order. These Orders are derived from the county health officer, and enforced by the County Sheriff. The language of each Order is specific...

KGFA members - Throughout this unprecedented time in our country, we have been working non-stop to ensure COVID-19 executive orders from Topeka do not impede on your ability to feed the world. In coordination with 15 agriculture-related organizations, known as the Kansas Agricultural Alliance, we spearheaded the effort to send the letter below to Governor Laura Kelly and Secretary of Agriculture Mike Beam this morning.We implored the governor to designate the agriculture commodity community as an essential service if she decided to deploy a “shelter in place” or “quarantine” order. We...

Kansas Grain and Feed Association (KGFA) is deeply saddened to learn Ron Stucky passed away Tuesday night in his sleep. Stucky served as KGFA’s chairman from 1982-83 and served two stints on the board of directors for more than 12 years. He also served on KGFA’s executive, membership and arbitration committees and chaired the KGFA Centennial Committee helping to plan the association’s 100 year celebration in 1996. Stucky was instrumental in maintaining the association's existence following tragic events in 1980. Kansas Grain and Feed Association (KGFA) is deeply saddened to learn...

Please find below a press release from the Kansas Department of Agriculture stressing the importance of our industry and the vital role you play in the state, national and international supply chain. Your association has been in close communication with our state and federal regulators since the onset of the COVID-19 game changer and have received insurances that robust agribusiness operations are vital to keep the country moving. Please continue to contact your association with concerns and questions regarding this issue. Sincerely,Ronald C. SeeberKansas Grain and Feed Association 785.234.0461 | With...

Due to ongoing concerns over the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus), Kansas Grain and Feed Association is sadly forced to cancel its annual meeting scheduled for April 13 - 14 in Wichita. We will be providing full refunds to those who pre-registered and apologize for any inconvenience.Although we are canceling the in-person annual meeting, speakers and golf tournament, keep a close eye on your inboxes as we plan to hold a conference call on April 13 to provide our annual 'State of the Association' report to our membership. More information...