26 Mar We’re STANDING UP for Grain Safety: Today, Engulfment/Entrapment Hazards
Kansas Grain and Feed Association will be participating in National Grain and Feed Association’s week-long emphasis on grain safety promoting three simple steps: learn, plan and act.
Grain safety should be taken seriously every day, but beginning this week, Kansas Grain and Feed Association is joining in on a major safety outreach effort conducted through the NGFA-OSHA Alliance, and is co-sponsored by the Grain Elevator and Processing Society, the North American Millers Association, the Grain Handling Safety Coalition and American Feed Industry Association.
Today, we’re focusing on engulfment/entrapment hazards and are providing a whole list of safety techniques. Click the button below to view resources on: lock out/tag out – bin entry; hazard alert (dangers of engulfment and suffocation; worker entry; preparing bins for harvest; bulk material storage and handling; confined space-related injuries; safe grain and silage handling and much more.
Learn more about the efforts to increase grain safety awareness by viewing a multitude of resources:
See Resources