29 May KGFA Reschedules CDL Exam Preparation Schools
Kansas Grain and Feed Association’s postponed CDL Exam Preparation schools have been rescheduled for Aug. 4, Aug. 27 and Sept. 29, 2020. Attendees are not required to, but will have the opportunity to take the Kansas Commercial Learner’s Permit general knowledge, air brakes and combination exams upon completion of the review program. The exam(s) will start no later than 2:00PM and those who wish to take the exam(s) will need to bring an additional $13 (cash, check or credit card paid to the Kansas Department of Revenue on site) , their valid Kansas driver’s license and proof of residency (i.e. a piece of mail). If they wish to obtain their “Real ID” which will be required to board a plane or enter a federal facility by October 2020, they need to bring their birth certificate or passport, and social security card as well. Attendees will know before leaving the grounds whether or not they have earned their CLP and are able to move forward towards obtaining their Kansas Commercial Driver’s License after a 14 day waiting period. At this time walk-in’s are welcome, but the program is limited to 25 so early registration is highly encouraged.
Information for each training is as follows:
Aug. 4 | Hutchinson, Kan.
Encampment Building
2000 N. Poplar
8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Aug. 27 | Manhattan, Kan.
Kansas Department of Agriculture
1320 Research Park Drive
8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Sept. 29 | Hays, Kan.
KSU Ag Research Center
1232 240th Avenue
8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
For more information on the schedule and speakers, click the button below.