13 Aug Kansas Dept. of Commerce Announces State Grant Program for Businesses Affected by COVID Pandemic
The Economic Development and Connectivity grant program is a new COVID response program that will use $60 million from the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act to provide grants to small businesses and nonprofits that have incurred losses greater than 25% of revenues during the COVID pandemic, among other eligible categories. The program is being administered by the state’s Strengthening People and Revitalizing Kansas (SPARK) task force and the Kansas Dept. of Commerce.
KGFA will provide more information as soon as it is available.
On Monday, August 10, the State Finance Council had approved $50 million in funding from the federal CARES Act funding for expanded internet connectivity statewide, and up to $5 million for spending of federal COVID-19-response funds for economic development programs.
More information will be made available at www.kansascommerce.gov/covidrelief/ at 4:00 p.m., Thursday afternoon.
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions are still under development. Please email specific program questions to your association staff or to the KS Dept. of Commerce at backtobusiness@ks.gov. The grant application process opens next Wednesday, August 19, 2020.
Small Business Working Capital Grants:
- under 500 employees
- apply as an individual business
- can be used for lost working capital, payroll, rent, mortgage insurance, utilities, etc.
- for profit and not for profit (to include 501 (c)(6)? KDOC specifically says this program includes 501(c)6
- Must be able to demonstrate loss of at least 25% of gross revenues from Jan 1, 2020 through June 30, 2020 versus previous 6 months
- determinations of grants will be based on amount of loss, number of employees, etc
- grant awards will range from $2500 to $100,000
- individual maximum award amounts will vary by sector, company
- cannot have received more than $350,000 in other state/federal COVID related assistance (PPP loans, EIDL, county assistance, etc.) max grant awards can be appealed
PPE Manufacturing Grant:
- 500 or fewer employees
- re-tooling a facility to produce PPE
- cannot have already been reimbursed by federal local government funding program
- hand sanitizer production IS considered PPE per KDOC
Connectivity Emergency Response Grants:
- $60 million in grants (unserved and underserved internet areas)
- maximum grant award of $10 million
- internet service providers, cities, counties, non profits
- projects must serve significantly unserved areas
- matching funds are required
priorities to provide service in areas with inadequate or no access to affordable broadband, other considerations
PPE procurement grants:
- under 500 employees
- facility design improvements for COVID response
- profit, non profit
- no need to demonstrate a loss in revenue
- $100 FTE, maximum of $10,000 grant
More Information
- Slides will be available at www.kansascommerce.gov/covidrelief/ at 4:00 Thursday afternoon.
- FAQs are under development.
- More information (data sheets) will be available at the economic connectivity portal at kansascommerce.gov.
- Email specific grant program questions to backtobusiness@ks.gov.
The grant application process opens next Wednesday, August 19, 2020.