22 Jun KGFA organizes coalition support for grain standards act reauthorization
Kansas Grain and Feed Association sent a letter of support regarding reauthorization of the Grain Standards Act (USGSA) to Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman Pat Roberts (R-Kansas) and Ranking Member Debbie Stabenow (D-Michigan). The act expires in September.
“A properly functioning grain inspection system is critical, and we urge Congress to reauthorize the Grain Standards Act this year,” the letter stated. “Despite the significant impacts of tariffs on exports, U.S. commodities have maintained some competitiveness in the international market in part thanks to the premium international buyers place on the U.S. grain inspection system.”
The letter went on to point out the importance of USGSA in Kansas’ competitiveness in the world market. Kansas exports up to $2.5 billion in grain annually. The current grain inspection system provides certainty to foreign customers that all Kansas and U.S. grains and oilseeds have been inspected and certified by an independent agency and provides great value to U.S. commodities, thereby enhancing competitiveness in the world market. This certainty and reliability have helped grow export markets for U.S. commodities and serve as a significant advantage for U.S. products versus commodities from other origins. The full letter is available to view via the button above.